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Home » Scientist’s Biography

Oppenheimer, J. Robert (1904-67):

Short Biography – Oppenheimer, J. Robert (1904-67):

Oppenheimer was born in New York and studied at Harvard and at universities, both in England (Cambridge) and on the continent. Becoming a university professor in California, he studied “electron-positron pairs, cosmic ray theory and worked on deuteron reactions.” During the war years he was chosen to head up the American effort to bring into being an earth bound thermonuclear explosion, which of course, with the assistance of a number of brilliant scientists in the area, such as Edward Teller, was to come about; and which, contributed to the bringing about the end of world war. In 1945, Oppenheimer, wondering and bothered by his work, resigned from the Los Alamos Laboratory. He was to argue, in respect to atomic energy, there should be joint control (United States and Russia). He fell out of favor, and, in 1953, “he was suspended from secret nuclear research by a security board review board.”

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